Thursday, 18 June 2009

my playlist for the week !

have u ever been through that phase where there are a few songs that are just stuck in your head and it is all that you listen to for days together? I am in one of those songs-stuck-in-my-head phase.. here are a list of songs that i ve been listening to for almost about a week !
  1. Who's gonna drive you Home -The Cars
  2. Halo- Beyonce
  3. Don't Speak- No Doubt
  4. Wish you were here- Pink Floyd
  5. Youth of Today - Amy Macdonald
  6. Zoe Jane -Staind
  7. Late Goodbye - Poets of the fall
  8. Wish for something more- Amy Macdonald
  9. Warwick Avenue- Duffy
  10. Sonnet - The Verve
The songs are really good.. they go into my list of fav songs...

Sing along... !!

Saturday, 13 June 2009

whats cooking ??

i have never been too fond of cooking.. i wont really call my self a foodie either.. plus being a vegetarian limits the variety of food you can eat..but then i ve decided to try my hand at cooking.. you never know i might start enjoying the process.. plus if nothing else my mom will definitely be happy :)

hope it turns out to be fun !!

Sunday, 7 June 2009

thought for the day...

“When things are bad, we take comfort in the thought that they could always be worse. And when they are, we find hope in the thought that things are so bad they have to get better.”

block !

everytime i realize that i have abandoned my blog for too long i decide to go ahead and write something... but somehow even though there are a million thoughts on my mind at any given point in time i am unable to put anything down in words...

the past few months have been this way.. i am thinking a million things .. about the past , present , future.. about things which dint go the way i wanted to .. about how things aren't really the way i want them to be.. and about what do i do if things turn out the way the way i want them to be.. (yea people say u re being negative.. i call this being a realist ) ... i have shared this with a lot of my friends (oh i love them for listening to me everytime i start this topic :D)

ofcourse i believe in the power of "if-you-want-something-you-gotta- make-it-happen " ... but then sometimes there is something greater than "you" that changes the "plan" you had for yourself..

i dont even know if i am making sense anymore but then what the hell .. i wanted to write and here i have two whole paragraphs of words .. mission accomplished !!