Thursday 16 September, 2010

book review : the immortals of meluha

finally managed to lay my hands on this book written by a guy called Amish.. i used to keep looking at this book each time i went to the bookstore and i thought may be its based on some mythology and dint really want to get into that.. fortunately i was quite wrong..

an good book with a great plot.. if you are looking for a literary classic then please stay away because the language is really simple.. easy to read.. wont take you more than a couple of hours to finish the book and wait for the sequel already..
the book reminds you of movies in which people are waiting for super heroes to come and save them .. this hero does have some shades of grey which is what makes him more human.. the characters are well sketched and the story keeps you glued to the book..

the book is a welcome change.. a light book .. a good read..

happy reading !

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